A south asian teenager with a passion for capturing the essence of the world through my art, specifically acrylic painting

I consider myself a fun-loving all-around person, and I love to spend time with my friends and family! I’ve been involved in art since I was very young, except the difference is I went from doodling on any piece of paper I could find to painting my pictures in a professional art studio.

I paint at Pazouki Art Studio, where my instructor is Houman Pazouki, a professional artist who’s been guiding me for many years. I’ve painted in the studio for 7+ years now, and before that I used to do sketching from tutorials on YouTube for fun. Painting has always been a vivacious hobby for me, and I’m excited to further pursue this interest by sharing my art with all of you.

My works include pieces inspired by pictures roaming the internet, as well as pieces I’ve painted of my own original pictures. The latter is what I’ve been creating recently, and embracing this new challenge whole-heartedly has helped my passion for art to grow the same way I am through every creation.


Aside from painting, some of my other hobbies include dance, guitar, and tennis. I’ve been dancing for 12+ years, most of which I’ve spent at SRVDA (San Ramon Valley Dance Academy) and tackled numerous styles including tap, jazz, and ballet. My favorite style of dance is tap, which I’ve participated in for the longest period of time. I’ve played the guitar for 9+ years, and I love jamming out with my dad as a fun pastime. Throughout middle school, I learned how to play tennis and developed a love for the sport. Occasionally, I’ll play tennis with my dad in our local tennis courts for fun.

Two of my interests include helping the environment, and my planned career path: Psychology. I have been an officer of my High School’s environmental club, Clean & Green. Our goal was to advocate for the importance of environmentally friendly practices, and I enjoyed partaking in activities and behaviors which help our world. In terms of my professional career, I am passionate about Psychology. As a Gen-Z teen, I’ve watched myself and those around me struggle with the topic of mental health, which I believe to be a severely invalidated issue.

I plan to combine my creative mind in painting with my drive to advocate for the importance of mental health with my artwork. Being involved in painting since childhood has enabled me to think creatively about how I can utilize my talent to partake in supporting the big issue regarding mental health, and to bring further attention to a topic which has just recently started to gain the attention it deserves. The proceeds of my paintings sold will be donated to a mental health foundation of my choice, to express my dedication and love towards both subjects.